Reflecting on Preparing The E-Portfolio

I have thoroughly enjoyed preparing the E-Portfolio online.  Creating a website, as with designing my Grade 5 Class News Website has been a tremendous experience.  Before this Technology in the Classroom course I did not realize how capable I was!  I especially thought that creating a website was something that someone who had had more training in building websites was hired to do.  Therefore my perspectives have certainly been broadened and the course has empowered me to do even greater things knowing the great things I have already achieved!! 

I had the opportunity to utilize my creativity and design skills as well as my patience and in the process I created an attractive website while learning to create text links to uploaded PDF files and PowerPoint Slideshows in my website as well as links to other websites. I even uploaded a video to YouTube for the first time and included a hyperlink to the video from my website!  This assignment and the entire Technology in the Classroom course has certainly enlightened me as to the technologies that are available to me, free of charge, and of my capabilities through utilizing those technologies.  Although the website services have been highly user friendly, a certain degree of technical knowledge and "fluency" has still been necessary to navigate the sites and complete my assignments.  I have learned what is meant by various terminologies or technical 'jargon' and I am leaving this course a much more knowlegeable person. 

Having my own website enables me to keep interested parties abreast of events, see firsthand the work I have done and to learn more about what I believe.  A prospective employer needs to look further than this E-Portfolio to gain a better understanding of my passion for teaching and what has motivated me to become a teacher.

In fact, preparing an E-Portfolio is essential in today's job market, and this online collection of my teaching materials, photos, presentations and lesson plans can be seen around the world by anyone who is interested and by multiple users at the same time!  If I am persuing a teaching position in Singapore, school recruitment staff is able to read about my work in a matter of seconds, by the click of a mouse!

It was enjoyable to share some of my work through this media and I hope that my viewers will enjoy visiting my e-portfolio site even more!